
New derma clinic

what I do

Work With Me

My name is Hyungwook Joey Park and I’m a licensed Acupuncturist that specializes in Psoriasis and Eczema healing.

I’m passionate about dry skin and immune system disorders because of my personal struggles that led me to discover a cure. 

When I was 7 years old, I took my socks off after school and noticed a strange wound on my ankle. My mother thought it was an allergic reaction and I complained about itchiness. Soon afterwards, we visited a doctor and I was diagnosed with psoriasis.

Since adolescence, the disease only got worse; I developed flaky skin, scabs, scars, bleeding, and irritated, raised patches.  I suffered so much from the itchiness that I developed insomnia and major psychological stress.

The suffering was so extreme that it impacted my social life. Embarrassed by my skin, I wore long sleeves and long pants even in the summer.  

I personally suffered for decades at the hands of itchy, flaky, bleeding skin. I went through every possible medical treatment for psoriasis such as:

      • UVB Phototherapy
      • Narrow band UVB Phototherapy
      • Psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA)
      • Infliximab (Remicade)
      • Adalimumab (Humira)
      • Ingested steroids
      • Applied steroid creams
      • MG217 Psoriasis Cream
      • Clobex lotion.

The various treatments would offer temporary healing, but the inflammation would always return. Doses of steroids would always increase because of growing resistance. The side-effects were horrible; the steroids caused hormone imbalance. Whenever I stopped steroid use, (because the doses would go up so high), the psoriasis would break out in some of the worst episodes of itchiness.

After 20 years of trying all types of western medicine to treat my condition, I visited an Oriental Medicine Doctor. This doctor required me to change my diet and that was very difficult for me. Healing was slow, but I was glad to find a replacement for the steroids and cortisone. After this experience, I was inspired to search for a better solution to my condition.

After finishing my undergraduate studies in Shanghai, China, I moved to Orange County, CA to attend South Baylo University. I focused my graduate studies on psoriasis and atopic research for skin diseases. I became a clinical trial patient and learned to mix herbs in order to bring about healing from the inside. I learned how acupuncture treatment helps circulate blood and qi (the Chinese belief in body energy). Herbal teas can help improve organ condition, hormone balance, and the immune system.

After many trials, I finally developed a proprietary blend of ingredients for a balm and lotion that heals psoriasis and eczema without steroids!

My findings were life-changing. Over the span of 6 months, I tried various batches of herbs and ultimately found a unique, 13-herbal concoction that changed the constitution of my body within a month.  I healed from psoriasis breakouts completely and did not need to take any medication anymore. It was a miracle after suffering nearly my entire life. Since curing my own condition, I’ve worked with a team to test the herbal concoction and topical balm/lotion on test patients. Our findings were radical. Psoriasis and atopic dermatitis is not an incurable disease. I want to share this hope with others.

You too, can heal without steroids! You can wear shorts!

Only a sufferer of psoriasis and eczema can truly understand the challenges of living with severe skin conditions.

real patients and real results.

Full healing through the New Derma treatment

Patient treated with all-natural herbal supplements and topical creams.

“I know what it’s like to have to wear long sleeves and long pants in the summer out of embarrassment of rashes and scabs. You don’t have to suffer any longer.”
Hungwook Joey Park, L.Ac, Ph.D